USB digital audio in from piano

I’m considering to buy the Yamaha P-525 (because of the keyboard), which can give audio in over the USB port. Is it possible to use this digital audio in parallel to the normal connection to my UR22C interface?

No, all hosts including Cantabile only permit one ASIO interface at a time to be in use. But if you used WASAPI drivers on the UR22C with ASIO from the keyboard and Voicemeter to mix them you could come up with something.

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Hi Dave,
thanks, I was already afraid for that. It is really a nice to have, so not something to spend a lot of time on. If I’m reading the manual correctly it should be possible the other way around; using the keyboard as audio interface. Midi would go from piano to PC and audio is going back to the piano and combined with the piano sound on the audio output. I doubt if that would be an improvement, but nice to try.

Time for a poll on keyboards :slight_smile: , new topic