Updating the Guides: What Needs Work?

Hey All,

I’ve just uploaded an updated version of the Cantabile guides - mostly just updated screenshots from the latest build (the old screen shots were looking very dated). I also fixed some of the more obviously out of date text.

I’m going to spend some more time on this and wondering if there’s anything in particular you’d like to see better documented (or anything that you’ve noticed that’s needs updating). Let me know.

Related: I’m also thinking of making some more videos - again, let me know if there’s something in particular you’d like a concise walkthrough on.


Hi @brad, check your mail tomorrow in late morning. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi Brad,

Funny that you should mention that, I was just thinking about suggesting some work on the Guide. One of the things that makes your product stand out is the documentation. I am sure that you will recieve an avalanche of responses.

Two obvious things, it is still labeled Guide 3, and the PDF version has not been updated with the same changes as the html version.

I would like to see the midi filter types have expanded explainations. I recently realized that my keyboard velocities were all over the place and my keyboard does not have a utility to level them. It took awhile to find the pitched velocity ramp (the name is not obvious), I got it to do what I wanted on a per note basis, but, it took some thrashing to figure out what the settings do. In fact, it would be nice to have a dedicated per note velocity adjustment filter.

Thanks for all of your hard work.


Noted… I’ll get it fixed.

Yes! The one thing I’ve never properly documented for v3/4

I’d like an updated and detailed list of the differences between Lite, Solo and Performer that explains the available bindings for Solo and Performer.

Good idea - noted

A focus on the irrelevant; can you remove the word “Simply” do something?




As a teacher, I am often guilty of using “simply”…but I mean it as a form of “encouragement”: it is simple…once you have understood how to do it! :innocent:


EDIT: and I would say that “insulting the reader”, as the linked page says, it is stressing it a bit too far…

EDIT2: oops! of course I meant “stretching” (not stressing!) too far.


Thanks @john I agree so I’ll simply de-simplify the docs


I find grammarly great for removing redundant words and cleaning up paragraphs. lets me focus on the content, not the grammar.

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Quick update:

  • Removed “simply” everywhere, but still need to do a full grammar review
  • The section on MIDI filters is now much more comprehensive (and even includes docs for an as yet unreleased MIDI filter)
  • The PDF has been updated, and removed the “3” from the file name.

Looking really nice. With all the changes and updates, I hope you’re not about the sell Cantabile for $27.3Mill AUD and Max Max across the Outback in Christine?

Stop putting ideas in my head. :slight_smile:

A minor detail - the header of the guides still says “User Guides v3.0”. I presume you would want that to read 4.0 ?

Thanks for reporting. Actually, I’ve decided to just remove the version number.

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What about creating a backup computer guide?

There’s already this - it’s not specifically about a backup machine but shows how to move your setup to a second machine.

Moving Your Cantabile Setup to a New Machine (cantabilesoftware.com)

I thought the PDF was taken directly from the web version.

Another thing missing from the guides is what specific binding “parts” actually do. For example there is the difference between load song by index/vs program. There are many more that may not be obvious to some, especially for newcomers. Perhaps an appendix at the back since there are so many.

So perhaps a terminology page that describes some of these concepts in the context of Cantabile?