UK Users group for discussion & exchange ideas

Hi, I’m relatively new to Cantabile and would like to know if there is a UK users group. I find it very helpful if there is someone I can chat to to ask questions, exchange ideas etc. I live in Devon. I play a Yamaha arranger keyboard (PSR series) and an Audio M midi keyboard with a Dell PC
Regards fwidgy

Why limit this to the UK? There are plenty of us here who are happy to help, and this is the place to ask!

Failing that I provide 1-2-1 audio tuition in the UK and I can cover the basics of Cantabile if it’s a requirement.

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Welcome to the forum Richard. I agree with @The_Elf. Just browsing through the many threads on this site provides a plethora of discussion and exchange of ideas. The search engine on site is your friend. I’ve used it many times to my benefit. Many great minds here are usually up for a friendly search for solutions.



Hi Guys, I just felt to start off that if I had a problem, I could pick up a phone and talk to someone.
By search engine, is that the magnifying glass icon on the top the of the page?
I’ll see how I get on with that.
Maybe I can ask a question now…when I download a VST plug in, a bunch of files get downloaded including the .dll file. Are all the files used by Cantabile, or is it just the .dll file I need to keep?

Many of those files could be essential for the dll to run. Do not delete them.


That is strictly up to someone willing to do a phone call. You can Private Message members if you want to stay out of the general discussion areas. I have used PM many times to get some answers, and I’ve had many people message me as well. It is slow going back and forth, but members answer at their convenience, since they are from different time zones and places on Earth.

Hi, I would say that is what this forum is for. It is very friendly and helpful and full of experts. The discussions and solutions are there for all to see as well, so a fantastic shared resource.

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