Trying to add controller for media player?

I am trying to load a midi controller to control a media player in a song, but even though the media player is present the only options I get in the drop down menu (Input Ports section) are the soft synths present and not the media player?

Is it not possible to do this?

It’s absolutely possible. You need to use a binding.


Yep, tried that already :wink:

And you couldn’t? What version of Cantabile are you using?

pretty close to the latest…I’m probably doing something wrong anyway hahaha!!

Hey Dennis,

If I and the others who posted understand correctly you are trying to send a midi controller command from the keyboard controller (a physical switch) to a media player loaded in a song. First, the media players never appear in the input ports section, on the routing page you will see the racks and plugs and media players. ( in this example media player 1)

You create bindings instead kind of like this example for media player 1 above …

Hope I understood and good luck figuring it out. :slight_smile:



yeah cool Dave thanks - I have it sorted now. Its been a while haha!

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