Trouble installing Waves plugins

OK, I should know how to do this. I’ve installed Waves plugins before- on my old laptop, the .dll files are visible in my vst folder and load just fine. I see that on the old laptop I’ve included the “C:\Program Files (x86)\Waves\Plug-Ins V9” folder, which was in also in listed my plugin folders in my old Cantabile installation. So the plugins are on my laptop, but can’t access them in Cantabile.

So what to do?

Hi @LeesKeys,

I’d need to see a plugin scan log to see what’s happening here:

  1. Tools menu -> Scan Plugin Folders (Full)
  2. Tools menu -> Open Settings Folder

Send me the files log.txt, log-previous.txt and plugins.json.

Also, what build are you running? There was a fix in 3280 for waves plugin scanning when the plugin returns multiple shell plugins with the same plugin id.


Thanks Brad. Emailed the files to you earlier this evening

Hey Lee. Where did you send them? I haven’t seen them.

Attached them to an email reply. Apparently that was not the correct way. Here they (44.2 KB)

Hi Lee,

I had a look at the log - it’s showing 20 waves plugins scanned as follows:

"4351324D": "Channel-Q2 Mono",
"43513253": "Channel-Q2 Stereo",
"4351344D": "Channel-Q4 Mono",
"43513453": "Channel-Q4 Stereo",
"4351364D": "Channel-Q6 Mono",
"43513653": "Channel-Q6 Stereo",
"47414D4D": "GTR Amp Mono",
"47414D53": "GTR Amp Stereo",
"47414D58": "GTR Amp Mono\/Stereo",
"4741324D": "GTR Amp 2Cab Mono",
"4741494D": "GTR Amp internal 1 Mono",
"4741524D": "GTR Amp internal 2 Mono",
"4741534D": "GTR Solo Amp internal 1 Mono",
"4741554D": "GTR Solo Amp internal 2 Mono",
"5447354D": "TG12345 Mono",
"54473553": "TG12345 Stereo",
"54474F4D": "TG12345Opt Mono",
"54474F53": "TG12345Opt Stereo",
"5457484D": "WahWah Stomp Mono",
"54574853": "WahWah Stomp Stereo",

These plugins were reported by the following wave shell plugin:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Waves\Plug-Ins V9\ArtistDlls4\WaveShell2-InternalSynth-VST 9.91_x64.dll

I’m guessing these aren’t all the Waves plugins you’re expecting to find, but there were no other WaveShell plugins found in the scan. The suspicious part here to me is WaveShell2-InternalSynth-VST…

According to Waves (see here), the plugin names should be:

  • WaveShell-VST [version number].dll and
  • WaveShell-VST [version number]_x64.dll

So perhaps you’ve got the wrong shell plugin on your path?


Interesting. I don’t recognize those apps and did not purposely install them. Two apps which did install as Waves stand-alone apps but did not install into my Cantabile plugins folder are Electric 200 and Electric 88

As I’m looking at the Waves Central app, I think this may have to do with managing licenses. Apparently I need to move licenses from the old computer to the new one. Hope to have time to work on that later today.

Ok let us know how you go with it.

Transferred licenses to new computer using Waves Central app and USB drive. Still no dice until I copied " C:\Program Files (x86)\Waves\WaveShells V9" to the list of Cantabile plugin folders. Now the plugins show up and work.

Not straight-forward at all.

WAVES is so convoluted now it’s hardly worth it.

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After all that, I decided I had other plugins I liked better. Uninstalled all the Waves products.

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I think I had the same problem with the Waves Electric 200 but it was in demo and wouldn’t show up in Cantabile that’s why I didn’t buy it although it sounded pretty good! David Bantle

I’m with you Lee. I like having the Abbey Road plugs. Really the rest all have viable alternatives now.

Based on another thread, I copied the C:\Program Files (x86)\Waves\WavesShells V9 folder address into the VST Plugins Folders in Cantabile 3 Solo (x64). Both of my plugins (Electric200 and Electric88) showed up as available plugins under Add Object. I, too, struggled to get these going for quite a while. Selecting the correct source for the VST dll’s was not so obvious. Waves said that Cantabile was not on their supported host list, so they could not tell me whether they were compatible or not.

Besides issues like getting the right shell plugin scanned, I’m not aware of any issues with Waves plugins.

@bachfugue1 I’ve got Electric 200 V11 working in demo mode. You still need a licence key even for a demo. Like you I think it sounds and plays pretty good and with the offer on at the moment of $29 and the second one 25% off I’m going to get the Electric 88 as well.

I just noticed that I am getting an “unknown plugins” error in the SetList Verify function for my mixer linked rack, which has 8 instances of the CLA MixHub Mite Stereo VST3 plugin. The error references previous versions of the WaveShell1-VST3 dll, which are still present on my system and in the library plugin paths specified in C4 (build 4190). The rack and plugins all seem to work fine, but this error has me concerned, as I like to keep a clean installation of all plugins that I use.

Here is the Verify SetList error:

…and here are the versions of WaveShell1-VST3 that Cantabile is saying are “unknown”:

Any ideas how I can get rid of this error?

It seems that the plug-in scan has not been able to scan WAVES correctly since 4180.

Tried updating Waves to v15 today and the VST3 versions are nowhere to be found (they were all there before the upgrade and yes the folder is pointed to correctly). Tried clearing cache and doing full rescan but no luck. Working fine in five other hosts.

I rolled back to 4171 it it does indeed scan the latest Waves VST3 shells. I have shells built for various Waves plugins v13, v14, v15. Then I reinstalled 4191 and they are all still there. But 4191 will not scan the current Waves shells.

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