G’day Cantabileans,
So now that I have a solid running Cantable Performer NUC gig rig (with identical backup), I think it’s time to get rid of my hardware loopers and do it all in Canatable!!
These hardware loopers are only used to playback drum patterns and fills since we don’t have a live drummer. So far I’ve managed to load all my loops and worked out how to get them to trigger and loop within Cantablie via midi from my Arturia Keylab 88 pads
Currently with my Boss RC505 hardware looper, I can configure the pads to work in solo mode, so for example; when I hit a pad to play the bridge drum pattern of a song, it stops playing the verse drum pattern automatically, and the same goes for when I hit the pad to play the song ending fill, which stops the verse pattern.
Is there a way to configure this sort of Solo mode function in C3 so that I’m not having to stop and start two different drum loops at the same time while juggling bass and piano parts?
In the example below I have a song with three drum patterns; a verse which is looped and a pre-chorus and ending that are one-shots.
Many thanks