Tornado in the US

I just want to offer my sympathy to any of our forum family who were affected by the damage. Dave Dore and Corky are two I know who live in the affected area. The damage is hard to fathom. Rumor has it that it was on the ground for over 200 miles with over 70 killed. My heart goes out to all those affected


Hi Steve

Luckily, I happened to be home on a rare no gig Friday. It got pretty hectic here. There was a funnel 1/2 mile to my north, and a short lived tornado 3 blocks to my south…both at the same time. Not a good experience, but not anywhere as bad, when in 1973, I drove into the path of a killer tornado. Went through a few years of therapy after that experience.

Last night, the “roar” was there, the lights went out, and I sat in a closet. Cleared a lot of debris out of the yard today. I am very used to tornadic weather in December. Arkansas always seems to be the breeding grounds for deadly storms. I grew up around all the areas affected there, and certainly respect the power of these things. Three nursing homes were destroyed in the area last night. It broke my heart for sure. I suggest @dave_dore is also well acquainted with “the storms”.

Thanks for thinking of us.



Thanks for thinking about us Steve. As I said in the PM all is well here with my small area spared the worst of it and much worse things happened to the east of me. I’m glad @Corky is OK and hope his area wasn’t too hard hit.



Thought this might be a good place to share some advice. We had a powerful storm come through southwest CT last year. Right after it passed through it became a beautiful but gusty afternoon. I figured I may as well go out in my small front yard and pick up the downed branches. While I was doing that a big gust came through and another big branch fell just a few feet away. I scurried back inside :grimacing:

Glad you southerners are safe! The same storm came through the north last night but the strong part was out to sea south of us.

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Glad to hear you both are well.

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dsteinschneider…Ct. storms are very unpredictable. I was in the tornado at Bradley Airport. I worked for National Car Rental at the time. When it hit, 5 of us were in a car coming from the rental counter to punch out and go home, when our car was blown up on its side against the tall chain link fence that surrounded the airport. We had a bunch of our fleet flipped upside down. There was a lot of damage including a brick bank that was obliterated, but nothing like I’m seeing on TV

I remember seeing news footage of the damage to the vintage airplanes at Bradley. Amazing how many people have been through events like this.

Just seen this news. It’s terrifying, and my heart goes out to those who have lost family, friends and their homes and businesses.

There are still over 20,000 here without power. Luckily, I went without power for less than an hour. One person here dead, many injuries, lots of damage. We really dodged a bullet this time.

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Prayers for everyone in your area Corky. We almost got nailed last year; a retirement home across the street from my mother got flattened but hers was missed. And the studio was missed by less than a mile. Tornados are crazy. We’re in a relatively active area.


Hi Corky. I’m worried about you, you, this tornado thing. Something similar has been taking place here for some time, certainly not at your level, but being a new phenomenon for us, we are starting to worry here too. Last year there was a victim not far from my home. A sister of my wife lives nearby with my grandchildren. The victim was a girl who was raised from the ground for several meters and was thrown a hundred meters further and unfortunately she did not make it. The girl had a car like my granddaughter’s and her brother saw the wrecked car, he was terrified, until he returned home, a few hundred meters from there, where he saw his sister at home. When I found out, I trembled too! So I can understand the discomfort you feel. You have all my understanding and closeness.

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Many thanks Fred. Lots of damage in Arkansas. I heard West Memphis is a mess. Quite a lot of damage a few blocks south of my home. A group of my neighbors are helping out, and asked me to haul some debris in my pickup. Been doing it all day. I have two elderly people in my home. They are without power, and it is cold out. Many good people in this area.

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Thank you Sergio.

Thank you for the thoughts. I live in the Louisville KY area, about 20-30 miles away from one of the main tornado paths. No damage. And no one I personally know was impacted. So I consider myself, family, and friends quite lucky.


Glad you escaped the worst Roland, because it was near our doorsteps for sure. The death toll is so very tragic. I saw where a community near Bowling Green had a majority of deaths under 18 years old. Very heartbreaking.

With Prayers
