These old eyes need some help

Hi guys, :slightly_smiling_face:

Instead of spending money for a bigger monitor I use Windows magnifier at times to help me see small fonts and GUI controls. I do this by pressing CTRL+ALT and use the mouse wheel to zoom into my desired view.

Creating a binding in the BG rack to take care of the pc-keys part is my goal but I can’t find any hot keys with that combination and I’m having trouble entering the right command line text or key presses when using pc-keys in the binding. I also want to activate the binding with CC52. I’ve run out of ideas. Can anybody help?


I’ve learned more about the magnifier and don’t really have the need for the binding anymore. I’m running it in full screen mode and it helps me a lot. If anybody else wants to know more about it here’s a link. Windows Magnifier

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BTW: the CTRL-ALT-Scrollwheel only works when the Magnifier is already turned on in Windows settings.

Personally, I find it easier to operate the Magnifier using the Windows key key - press Win and “+” to activate the Magnifier and zoom in, Win and “-” to zoom out, Win and “Esc” to turn off the Magnifier. Once the Magnifier is turned off, CTRL-ALT-Scrollwheel reverts to normal behavior inside individual programs, e.g. scaling up the display in browsers.

Regarding a MIDI binding: I don’t believe there is a way to set PC keyboard binding targets using a Windows key combination, is there, @brad?

Correct… Windows key is treated specially by Windows, and doesn’t really work at an app level and definitely isn’t support in Cantabile right now.

That said, I believe it’s possible for app to send Windows keystrokes, but last time I tried to add this it didn’t work and I didn’t dig deeper.

Correct. I was more or less looking for a way to change zoom level without returning to the keyboard.

When I last posted I was turning it on/off with a shortcut pinned to my taskbar. From my experience it starts up with the last setting used but since then I’ve done away with the shortcut and created a binding to have it start up with a note from my pedalboard that points to “Execute Command > External Script > C:\Windows\System32\Magnify.exe”. To shut it down I close it out in the taskbar with the mouse.

It’s no big deal but it saves me some steps of going back and forth to the keyboard. :slightly_smiling_face:

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