The new Steinberg built-in ASIO Driver

Hi there

I just found that the new Steinberg built-in ASIO Driver is free to download for anyone

It seems working better than WASAPI, and also better than ASIO4ALL, so I put the link here

With it, I am able to have a Sample rate of 96000 Hz, a latency of 10 ms and no crackles, that is astounding to me

Considering that it is a generic ASIO driver developed to work with any sound-card, it means that the ASIO of some cheap cards (my old one included) is poor, very poor

I tried it out, but you can’t make any changes to buffer size in the control panel…

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Yep - very sluggish. Built in audio via ASIO4ALL is nicely running 128 sample buffer over here. I can immediately feel the slow response of the Steinberg driver without even looking at the numbers.

Yes, it is in the Help
You have to change it in your DAW or Windows
But I was unable to have certain performances with the ASIO of my sound-card

Each system/people is different

Anyway, I believe I have no place in this forum because my mileage is too much different from yours

Were you able to change it in Cantabile? I tried but it doesn’t give me any other option but 480 for the buffer size.

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I see the instruction as to how to put the buffer into variable mode but the functionality doesn’t appear. ~What’s the secret?

Steinberg website:

“Sufficiently low latency” at 480 samples buffer? hmmm…

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I think the underlying WASPI driver has to support buffer size change (at least with ASIO4ALL). The Steinberg and ASIO4ALL are just wrappers/bridges for WASPI. My WASPI does not support buffer size and no way to change it in Steinberg anyway apparently. I change it in ASIO4ALL and it crashed the WASPI driver immediately.

Maybe they think everybody runs at 768KHz sample rate? lol!