I’ve this problem when starts the media player. It acts as master sync.
The first beat fails, and the metronome starts to click from second beat.
Obviously it’s a problem for my drummer…
My audio interface is a Motu Ultralite mk3 hybrid, buffer size is 512 and no glitches.
I’ve no idea on cause…
Yeah, I get this just when starting the metronome about 1 in 8 times.
It meant we avoided using it too.
Damn, it’s a problem if I don’t make another audio file with click’s export from daw
Another option may be to use a MIDI file (if you don’t need any time signature changes you can just use a 1 bar MIDI file and loop in Cantabile Media Player) and route it to a simple “linked rack” Sample Player (loaded with whatever click you want as click/measure sounds). This way you don’t need an audio click for each song, just reuse the Media file for each song and change the tempo from either Cantabile Transport or set the Media Play as Sync Master.
edit I do exactly this although some songs have time sig/tempo changes so I need to use specific MIDI files for some songs. But I use “Short Circuit” which is no longer supported and only 32Bit so needs to be jBridged in my setup - no problems however. Sam!Solo (again no longer supported) also works - very low CPU footprint for both.
is this problem solved yet?
Thank you, could be a possible solution.
No, no solution at the moment. I have to try with another audio interface, to see if the problem could also result from drivers.