Poème Électronique, podcast
This post is definitely off topic. I’ve been doubting whether to make it, but in the end some of you may find this interesting. I did find it amazing, the sounds made in the early 50’s with electronic means.
To make it more challenging. The movie is in Dutch,…
Don’t worry about the off-topic or the Duch language. The problem is that I see the movie as a black screen.
I’m sorry about that, maybe this link only works with a Dutch provider :-(, I’ll try to find an alternative link.
This may work better?
This is just audio, not a movie. Anyway, I just listened to the sounds.
Dutch is definitely beyond my knowledge.
Originally it is a podcast, so their is just some photographs in the movie version.
Wat do you think about those sounds?
Well, reminds me of early attempts to create music electronically. French people like Pierre Shaffer and later J.M. Jarre. They were very innovative for the time, using tape loops and editing recorded nature sounds.
There is actually music from Pierre Schaeffer in the documentary.
The documentary is build around the collection from the Philips Physics Laboratory in Eindhoven.
With that equipment the Poeme Electronique of Edgar Varèse was recorded.
You should look up the work if the BBC’s Delia Detbyshire.
A few clips and short documentaries on YouTube