Tempo LED Continously

Is there a way to make the “Measure or Beat Flasher” output when the transport is stopped? I can only find a way to bind it to Source:Transport, then the Transport has to be playing. I’d like the output to be continuous whether the transport is running or not. Blink continuously at the tempo of every song that is loaded.

Would it work for you to have a binding to automatically start the transport on song load?

Thank you. Yes, that would work for most songs. However, there are some songs that start the transport in the middle of the song with an external trigger (foot pedal) at a specified location.

But, since this blinking LED is just to get the song going, maybe there is a way to start transport on load and stop after a defined time. I’ll play around with the timers (maybe stop transport on load after 30 second delay).

Update: Start on Load, Delay 30 seconds, Stop on Load works. 30 seconds is maximum delay, but that should be enough in a live setting between songs to get the tempo.