Hi all, (@brad especially)
I’ve got a weird issue with some racks I’ve set up to control the lights on my Arturia Keylab 88 MkII.
I’ve been using these racks for a few months and they’re working great. You can see from the pic that I’ve got a list of states that produce different colours. When I select the rack states (I’ve got a different rack for each of the lights) it sends the sysex and the light changes colour. Great. However, I’ve got a case where I wanted to just copy and paste the sysex to somewhere else in the song structure, away from the rack, so i opened up the rack to grab the data, and, as per pic, I can’t see or edit the data in the value field…
Aha! I thought, it may be something to do with the fact that I have an embedded rack, instead of a linked rack… Inserted the channel light rack into a song as a linked rack. Nope. Doesn’t change anything, still can’t see or edit the sysex value field…
I can’t remember which version of Cantabile I programmed all these racks in but I’m on 3678 right now.
Cheers all, as always.