Switching instruments by pressing a key

I’m still missing something, even after the videos and related previous forum postings. (I’m running Cantabile Solo Version 3.0 Build 3558 on a Windows 10 i5 quad processor PC.)

I’ve clicked the Bindings tab > Add Binding > Source (Input Port - Main Keyboard [MIDI channel [Omni]) > Event (Controller 0) > Target (Trombone Solo) >Action (blank) > Value (Toggle). This may be in error.

I want to do is the same(?) for tuba, sax, trumpet, etc. Then I want to set the “trigger” for each to – say – E7, F7, F#7, G7, etc. so that when one of these keys is pressed, the other instruments are silenced and this desired instrument is activated. How do I do that? (Think “The Hall Of The Mountain King” with each phrase played by each instrument).

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Hey Ron,

If I understood you this type of binding should work.

It uses the notes you specified to send PG changes. I used the “Note On” type of source This example should give you a starting point for setting your own thing up.



Thanks, Dave_Dore. I’ll give it a try tomorrow and let you know what worked for me. – Ron

Dave_Dore, you’re the man! I did the following Binding and it works great with the following Routing. THANK YOU!


Nice touch with the ‘Solo Exclusive’ bindings Ron, it reminded me that that command was there and it’s a great solution! :grin:


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Just one more thing. The Switch Instrument notes will sound IF they have a sound associated with them. For instance, when the Tuba is selected by pressing its key (the key shown in the binding), it will make a Tuba sound if there is one in that range. So to not hear a sound --and go strictly by the green lighted (green lit?) S in Routings – ensure that the Sample Map for that instrument does not cover that key.


You can do that, or there is a setting on the Binding (I’m assuming it is there for the version you have) that says, “If this Binding fires, stop processing”. To find that, Right Click on the Binding, and select Suppress. Continue (go to the next Binding) is the default. “Suppress” means stop checking the Bindings.

Take a look at this newly-refreshed-lemon-scented Guide page on Bindings.


Q: What’s gray and red and goes a hundred miles an hour? (Originally, what’s green and red)
A: My brain in a blender. (Originally, a frog in a blender)

Wow, there are so many features. Thanks for telling me about this one, although at this time I’m not sure when I would use it. Maybe I just don’t appreciate it yet. I’ll check into it.

Okay, RackedBrain, Right Clicking on the Source (name), I saw the Routing Mode with its 2 options (Continue and Suppress). Choosing Suppress turns off any previously set Solo when I press the key I assigned to that (Suppress) Binding. Got it. Thanks.