Suggestion to improve component's status view

Hi, I mainly use Cantabile (Performer) as a support to play music and sounds in theater shows, usually using one song for each scene. A typical scenario for me is the following one:

The upper block is a Player. The lower chain is a sequence of two effects applied to a mic in which an actor is speaking.

Both final gains are bind to respective MIDI controller, because I need to control in real time the reciprocal output levels to cross fades and similar.

I’d strongly appreciate to have inside the blocks of the routing view, beside the living icons already available, also the other states that are visible in the lower portion of the window, but only selecting one by one:

My personal priority is now focused on gain, but also pan etc, would be useful. This “advanced” display could even be a view option, realizing the need to increase the dimensions of blocks.

Is it something fool or could it be intetersting also for other users?

Thanks for the suggestion - I’ll put it on the list for future consideration.

Logged here.

Maybe simplified down to just gain (that’s what I adjust most frequently) - possibly just a small vertical gain (and signal level) bar display on the right side of every block with a pop-up slider on click for setting gain?

That would definitely help and not consume too much screen real estate.

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+1 for @Torsten above. Since all of the improvements last year, the wiring view has become my main view. I recently “discovered”, when messing with bindings, that the audio input and output ports have gain control. I then saw that it was represented in the monitor view. It would be ergonomically useful to have the same meter and gain control as the monitor view on the input and output ports panels of the wiring view, perhaps under the name of the port. Possibly, you could use this same graphic object to satisfy the Torsten request above for consistency.

Thanks Brad for your great support.


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