Suggestion: Modify filters on state change

Standard routing / key range / transpose is selectable behaviour for state changes, but filters do not seem to be. This means that if your whole show is working on different velocity/transpose/key range, per state, but you also need filters, you need separate routes to be created - one for unfiltered route, one for filtered route - so that’s double the routing that would otherwise be necessary: would rather one route that changes all its properties on state change.

Hi Chris,

I see your point, do you use a wide variety of filters or generally the same ones? I ask because maybe they could be added to the Standard routing page without having to have the clutter of all the filters on this page. Or possibly a set of customizable filter slots you could populate yourself from the larger list on the standard routing page thereby eliminating the midi filter menu from the input route drop-down menu and just include it in the Standard routing dialog box. Just kicking ideas around …


If you use filters a lot, you could just make a filter rack containing various filtered routes, and switch between then using rack states. That might simplify your song setups and hide a lot of complexity.


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