Suggestion: Binding-Folders & Multiple Selection

Hi Brad,

it would be nice to have the possibility of organizing bindings inside folders keeping track of extensive binding-setups. Maybe folders with own names and a switch to turn them on and off?!
And what I’m really missing is a possibility of multiple selection of different objects to change common values like state behaviors, common output/inputs, colours and so on.

Kind regards,


Absolutely +1 on that feature request!
My bindings (especially in my background rack) get pretty unwieldy…




Any reason to not just use some embedded racks and store the bindings in them? This is what I do and it works well for me.

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Bindings in an embedded rack don’t have access to the same targets due to scope.

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I’m pretty new to Cantabile. Can you expand on your answer a bit?

The target of a binding is the thing upon which it acts. A binding inside a rack cannot target any plugins that aren’t in that rack. In other words, the rack defines the scope of access for the bindings inside.

There are many binding targets that are global in scope, such as Song. These targets are available in or out of racks. Specific plugin instances are not global in scope, however.

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Thanks for clarifying. I hadn’t thought about using plugins in my background rack in that manner.

Wasn’t talking about the background rack. I was talking about embedded and shared racksin the song.

Bindings in racks inside the background rack don’t “see” the environment MIDI ports as input or output for bindings. So using embedded racks to structure my background rack unfortunately doesn’t work for most of my bindings there (unless I manually route the environment ports to those sub-racks via bindings or routes at the top level - which would somewhat defeat the point of simplification…).



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I’m so up for this important housekeeping aid.
I was hoping it might appear in C2, was sure something like it would appear in C3.

I’ve updated the trello card to include this request: