After having successfully done many gigs with “songs” containing spefically plugins/racks that are needed there, I’m starting to build generic songs that will typically contain:
- a left-hand bass (NI Icon Bass)
- main keyboard patch (typically NI Noire or Canterbury rhodes or some wurly library)
- a synth layer/split (typically a Zebra or Diva pad or lead)
- a strings layer (Virtuoso strings library)
- a B3X split in upper octaves
Seems like a lot but it’s not all active at once - raising a midi fader would enable Routes, change split points and change Gain for those plugins. BUT all of them need to be running in idle without any active midi routes to prevent glitching and delays during plugin/rack enabling.
The PC should be fine with this - DeskMini B760 with I5-12600K.
And in practice, CPU usage is practically non-existent, and time load under normal conditions in this setup never exceeds more than 50%, normal would be more like 25-30%.
HOWEVER - sometimes I only press and hold a 2-3 notes and suddenly a subtle glitch is heard after some time - sometimes I get a very short (only 1 bar in the profiler) unexpected time load around/over 100% and during this temporary increase profiler reveals much increased time load in MOST plugins there, not a single one. And sometimes there is a glitch heard even with time load around 50%. It’s a subtle and short glitch and RME doesn’t even register the glitch in their settings tray app. It’s not the usual buffering issue.
I’ve paid attention to following settings:
- High performance plan
- disabled C-states in UEFI
- set cantabile multicore support to number of physical cores (P+E) minus 1
- set affinity for cantabile.exe to only occupy physical cores (P+E seems better than only P though)
- set Kontakt to use a single core (or two cores max, not much of difference)
- speedstep/speedshift and hyperthreading left enabled because otherwise it was worse.
- LatencyMon doesn’t reveal anything, all green there
- cpu usage under load is about 4% and there are no visible spikes in task manager/“process explorer” when the glitches occur
- no thermal throttling, CPU temperatures always around 60°, maybe 70° under more load
So by the usual metrics everything should be running fine and I’m quite frustrated beacuse I lack deeper knowledge about finding such culprits. To me it looks like either a plugin misbehaving even if only running in idle or there is a deeper system issue. But in neither case I can’t seem to find anything obvious.
Any idea where to look next?
Thanks and regards,