Subsession/states etc for each manual


I’m using cantabile 3 for my organ setup. I have thre manuals, is it possible to have independent subsessios for each manual. Lets say that i only want to load a different sound for the lower manual and select a sub-session for midi ch 2.

Is it possible to have such setup in cantabile 3?



Just thinking out loud here, I would set up the next state with a binding only addressing Midi Ch. 2 with a patch change that did not send anything else. I have Linplug’s Organ3 and it uses a root midi channel for the top manual and subsequent channels for the lower manual and foot pedals. Is yours set up similarly?



The easiest way to do this is to put each manual in a separate rack and save states on each rack. You can then create bindings to each rack’s states independently.


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Fantastic, just what I was looking for!


The “AHA!” moments just keep on coming!

I’m definitely using this idea. Racks are pretty amazing for what they can do.
