Struggling with an Expression Binding

I need some direction on how to fire different midi notes when moving from different previous notes. The simplest description is this:

Play note 61 (C#3) when 57 (A3) is played following a 59 (B3).
Conversely, play 60 (C) when 57 (A3) is played following a 55 (G3)

I’m trying this, but nothing…

Why? I’m dabbling in harmonizers and morphoders and need to play different chords for the same input notes for some situations. The midi input is from a Fishman TriplePlay and location in the note sequence can make a difference in what midi notes are supplied to the morphoder.

Try something like this

You would need a second binding to turn off the note

and another pair of bindings to cover your second scenario.



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As always, thank you very much @dave_dore. That works and will get me started. I thought I tried that combination, but I must have had an incorrect field. It looks like I can do away with some of the note-off bindings because I’m using sticky note to supply the morphoder input. We’ll see how the idea goes from here.

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