here’s another gnarly one for @brad:
I have a couple of racks where the state of the central plugin is switched via the “Snapshots” preset model. One example of this is my Nembrini guitar rack. The central plugin is Nembrini’s “Plugin Rig”, which contains individual plugins with their settings in a chain-like setup:
I have created presets of this plugin and saved them via “Snapshots”. Now for each rack state, my Nembrini rack switches the selected program (Snapshot) of this plugin:
Now I use this rack in a song, and I select the correct rack state (and thus Snapshot) for each song or song state:
In a song I use two different sounds in this rack - a clean and a crunch one. Both of these snapshots contain a graphic EQ; the clean one a flat one, and the “crunch” snapshot a more scooped one. Of course, when I switch rack states, I fully expect the correct EQ to be loaded with the snapshot. And when I manually switch rack states (click the “Choose State” menu), this happens without fail.
But - and that’s the big BUT: when I do this via state change or via song load (which also loads the first song state and thus sets the rack state), these EQ changes don’t always get applied - essentially, the EQ from the previously loaded snapshot “sticks”. So I may get a clean sound with the scooped EQ or the crunch sound with the flat EQ.
So it looks like the “tail end” of the snapshot isn’t loaded into the plugin (the EQ is the final block in the chain) - it looks like the snapshot loading gets interrupted when triggered by the state change, so the load is incomplete. Maybe some other process gets in the way?
When this happens, a manual change (from clean to crunch and back or vice-versa) typically fixes the issue - but that’s not what I want to have to do when performing live…
BTW: the same thing happens also when - instead of using “Snapshot” presets, I use “Entire Bank” behavior for the plugin. I’ve converted the rack from “Entire Bank” state behavior to “Snapshot” presets, and get the same effect.
Similar things also happen with Surge XT: switching Snapshot presets via state or song change sometimes doesn’t fully work, so sounds don’t sound like they should.
Long story short: It looks like loading snapshots of rack plugins via state change can result in an incomplete load of the snapshot.
@brad: this is a nasty one - hope you can identify the gremlin and exorcise it - this is a major trust-breaker for live use. Happy to provide rack or song files or do any testing necessary.