State locked songs still updating?

I’ve finished constructing my set and I’ve done a ‘Lock All’ on each song (wish there was a ‘Lock All Songs’!). But when I change states (I have a couple of buttons on my master keyboard bound to next/previous state) I’m seeing a message at the top of the screen telling me that that the previous state has been saved.

I checked the manual, but it talks about switching off ‘Automatically Update States’ in the Edit menu, but that option doesn’t exist.

Can anyone suggest why I’m still seeing the auto-save message despite my songs being set to ‘Lock All’?

Hi The_Elf,

Can you post a screen shot of your setlist / states list for the song that is doing this? It sounds like they are not locked. Are there Lock icons on the states?


Hi @The_Elf

“Automatically Update States” was replaced by locked states - I should update the manual to reflect this.

Is it possible you’ve got states in a sub-rack of the song that aren’t locked?



Thanks once again, Brad. Much appreciated.

I thought that ‘Lock All’ would literally mean locking everything within that Song. It appears that my Linked Racks remain unlocked and were generating the save message I was seeing. It wasn’t obvious, because I use the same name (e.g.‘Song A’) ’ for all kinds of things, from the song name and synth presets to Cantabile Programs. It’s a bit worrying that I could have mucked up a Linked Rack in a different Song to find it then not working properly in another.

I will go through and lock all of the Linked Racks now - I tend to feel that a ‘Lock All’ really should lock the whole thing from top to bottom, but I haven’t thought it through fully, so not sure. Maybe it would be a pain loading unlocked Songs and finding a Linked Rack locked…?

Maybe a ‘Lock Set’ option that includes all Songs and Racks?

(First live performance with Cantabile in a couple of weeks. I’ve been very impressed with Cantabile so far - and its support.)