Songs recalling rack snaphots

I can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong. I have a linked rack. The rack contains a single plugin - Modo Drum. I have two saved snapshots- “Rock” and “Bubinga”. I have two songs. I want to switch between the two snapshots when I switch songs. Cantabile is set to save all settings in the song.

I select song 1 and set the snapshot to “Rock”, Then “Save All”. Select song 2, set the snapshot to “Bubinga” and “Save All”. Select song 1 and the rack stays on Bubinga.

I have Modo Drum but haven’t spent much time in it. Is the “snapshot” a Modo Drum settings file you can save? I would try switching between the snapshots and save a Cantabile State for each and try switching between the Cantabile States

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I have Modo Bass and I notice when I change songs with the plugin panel open the plug in doesn’t change to the correct patch, it’s stays on the last one selected. However when I close the plugin window and change songs Modo bass changes to the correct patch. I’ve seen other odd behavior with IK products in Cantabile, especially Syntronik 2, not so much with Sample Tank 4.

Actually the problem was just my stupidity. I fixed a similar problem a couple of months ago and then promptly forgot about it. The issue was with exporting rack states.

Thank’s for the comments. I was having issues with IK’s Miroslav philharmonic. The fix was installing and using the vst2 version. I haven’t really used Syntronik much. My go to for vintage synths is usually Arturia. I bought IK mainly for B-3x and Amplitube, which I really like.