Song program number aliases

I have my song program numbers in alphabetical order so that I can quickly find the song ad hoc using load song delayed. That I use with rented rig.

I got preset for each song in my own master keyboard sending the right program number.

The problem is when I add the song to the set list, I need to re-assign program numbers to keep the songs in order which means I have to change also program numbers in the keyboard presets.

That’s why I’d love to have aliases, so that load song delayed would use default program numbers (changed with song addition) and keyboard would use aliases that would stay same (using e.g. different MSB/LSB).

What do you think?

Hi Pavel,

Not sure I’m exactly following how you want this to work. It sounds like you want each song in the set let to have two program numbers - say “primary program number” and “alternate program number” and then have two sets of binding targets - one for primary and one for alternate?

Or, do you just want to bind by song index rather than program number. eg: instead of “load song by index”.


The latter one would be ok - in that case, (just for sure) I’d need both - load by program number and load by index (delayed).

Then I wouldn’t have to renumber songs and keyboard presets and still be able to traverse songs alphabetically.

Hi Pavel,

OK, I think that’s pretty easy to add, but logged it here so I don’t forget.


You’re the best, thanks! :slight_smile:

Done - will be in the next build (3120)