Song hangs on load, crashes Cantabile

I created a song with several racks and a total of 17 plugins. I saved the song and closed it. I opened a set list and added the song. It loads and works correctly when I select it. I saved the set list, closed Cantabile and reopened it. Worked fine. Now when I try to load just the song by itself, I see that the plugins are being loaded in the background, but the Routing GUI doesn’t update, Cantabile hangs, and then crashes. If I try to add the song to a different set list, it causes Cantabile to hang and crash after I add the song and I try to load the song. The song still loads correctly on the original set list.

What could be going on here?

Hi @LeesKeys

Do you have set list pre-loading turned on? Does it make a difference if you turn it off?

Also, if you can send me a log file would be good, but before you capture it, in Options -> Diagnostics, turn on “Log File Write Through”.


Will do. I’ll check this out tonight

I updated to 3172. The I tried to load the song. It loaded OK. Then I opened a setlist (plugins preloaded). After the songs preloaded, I tried to add the problem song and Cantabile stopped responding and crashed. I’ve tried to upload the log file, but I get a message that upload of this type of file is not permitted.

Hi Lee,

Just email me the file directly.


just emailed it to you

Hi Lee,

Checked the log file - it’s not really showing anything useful (in fact it looks like everything ran just fine).

Can you send me the song file and any related rack files and details on any plugins you’re using and I’ll see if I can reproduce it.


Hi Brad, I also experienced crashing on startup while loading plugs on 3172. I allowed the crash logs to be sent. This was on 5/5/16.


Hi @joesixpack123

OK Thanks - I’ve got a bit of a backlog of crash reports to go through, hoping to get to them this week.


oddly, the song I was having problems with is loading fine now.

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