Song file management

Hi All

I recently had a Windows update that borked my computer. After recovering everything with a Linux recovery drive, I reinstalled windows and Cantabile. This seems like a good time to do some house cleaning. My question is:

Is the correct procedure to delete songs from the set list from within Cantabile and then to manually delete the song files from the Cantabile song file directory?

Also, is there a reason why the default directory for the background rack is stuck in another directory under Topten (not Cantabile)? Can the background rack file be moved to the same directory with song and set list files? Changing the paths in Cantabile, of course.



The background rack directory is changed from within Cantabile under Options/File Locations/Background Rack Files. I’m not sure if the directory has to be created first or Cantabile creates if the folder does not exist. My setup places the background rack is a subdirectory in mydocs/Cantabile.

I would delete from set list first then delete the songs (or backup to another folder). Typically, I’d just start a new set list and leave the song alone as no telling when the song file might be needed.