Some plugins losing settings

Hi! I’m having problems with some vst instrument plugins losing their settings. Particularly xpand!2 and z3ta. I’ll choose a sound and save it with a song, but sometimes when I load the song the patch has changed. It’s intermittent. Is this related to Cantabile or the plug-in? Any suggestions on how to get around the problem?

Hi Tim

Just a question…Are you using said plugs in racks?

No, just added to the song itself. Sets are short – usually only 5 or 6 songs – 12 plugins pre-loaded at the most. I haven’t extensively explored racks yet.

In my experience, I have used a couple of certain plugs that just will not keep the settings without putting them into a rack. The 1st version of B5 organ comes to mind. It was a booger until newer versions of the plug. When I encounter that problem, I create a rack with preset states. I have xpand!2, but never use it. I am testing a few things on my rig today, so I can pull xpand!2 up and see what I am getting on it. Are you using factory settings, or your own creations? Reason I ask, is because I have also run into a couple of plugs that will not save custom settings unless you save them in the plug as a user preset.

I can give that a try and see how it goes. If I change factory settings, I save the custom settings as a user preset. If it happened all of the time I would actually feel better about it. I don’t like intermittent problems. It will work fine 20 days and then mess up – during performance, of course. (Rapture crashes on occasion… I have no idea why, but that’s another thing.) Thanks!

Let us know how it goes. I will test it soon and get back to you.

So far, not in a rack, saves factory and custom presets(saved to user bank). No glitch yet. I will keep testing occasionally as I work on my gear.