Solved: Multiple stereo in ports vst plugin possible?

I am a noob at Cantabile so please forgive if I am asking something quite noobie here… :wink:
I bought Cantabile Solo for home use and I am using a VST plugin called Jamtaba for online jamming. So instead of streaming my audio to my main speakers I send them to the plugin. I can send f.i. drums to stereo input 1&2 and my guitar to stereo input 3&4… in my DAW I am capable of doing that. Cantabile just shows me option stereo in 1&2… Is there a way or should it be a feature request or… Any help is welcome… thanks and have a nice day

Duhhh, just found out that I can add extra ‘Audio ports’ 3&4 by rightclicking on the plugin… Nice feature… Happy :wink:

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hi @HammerOn,
i’ve just started playing with Jamtaba. (think i saw you on a server last night even)
i’m finding that Jamtaba is running ok but crashes the C3 gui when it’s closed.
have you found any issues with it?

Hi Neil,

indeed i was… Cantabile and Jamtaba works, but as you mentioned it, it doesn’t close correctly… Jamtaba is not supported anymore atm… It’s a pity but thats what the status is… In other DAW’s REAPER and ABLETON it works like a charm… Happy Jamming

i’ll have a play around with C3 and see if its something that can be worked around with graphics settings. if not, hopefully @brad can look into it.

Hi Neil, he already did look at it and I had some contact about this issue with Brad. But you might give it a try anyway…

i tried putting it in DDMF Metaplugin but deleting that had the same result.