Hello Brad & all,
there is still a bug inside of Cantabile as far as I can judge it.
Here comes a 11 steps navigating to uncover this:
Open Cantabile with a new song (without saving).
Create a new linked Rack by choosing “Add Object” in the Routing-Panel.
With activated rack uncheck all active state behaviors but not “Exported State”.
Go into the rack by double clicking on it.
Add any plugin by clicking on “Add Object” inside the rack.
Uncheck all State Behaviors of these plugin.
Create two rack states inside the rack.
Enable the Exported State Behavior “Run and Bypass Mode” of the Plugin.
So far, check the behavior by bypassing the plugin and switching between the rack states. The plugin bypass should not be affected by the rack states.
Now save the rack with Strg+S, save the song with Strg+Shift+S (“save all”) by giving him a name of your choice. (This should be the first time saving song in this example!) Close the song by clicking Strg+N (“new song”) and reopen it by clicking Strg+O. Open again the rack inside and unbypass the plugin for one of the two rack states.
Now switch to the other rack state and you should see that the plugin is again bypassed.
I’ve been struggling with this now for more than 4 weeks, so that I still couldn’t use Cantabile for my last gigs. I tested it with two machines (WIN 10 64Bit and WIN 7 64Bit) and many other plugins, but in all cases it behaves like this.
This is a fundamental function inside of Cantabile affecting his main concept, also described here under “Exported States”:
I’ll wonder if this error wont regard other Cantabile-users, albeit nobody has been responding to my last posts belonging to this til now.
So the time has come for the one and only,
the founder of the best VST-Host over the world,
the wonderful
Mr. Brad Robinson himself.
Kind regards,