[ SOLVED] Error Loading Cantabile - "No such hot is known"

Hi guys,

So I’ve had no issues launching Cantabile when running it at home; but when I tried to launch the software at my last two rehearsal I got the following message (see screenshot).

My suspicion is that my Laptop wasn’t connected to the Internet when launching the program; I tried using my phone as a hotspot and this seemed to work.

My main question is; will this error stop when I purchase a subscription? I’m still on my Solo trial licence at the moment.

Kind regards,

George Wood

Hi George,

Yes, it would go away with a license that is authorized on that machine. I’m not sure how the trial versions work so I would defer to @brad to help on that. Once you install and authorize you don’t need the Cantabile server until update to a version that is in the new billing year when the subscription is updated. Any versions up to that point still work with the old license.



Trial licenses require internet access as an anti-fraud measure.

Purchased licenses do not as a be kind to customers measure.