Slaved media players follow master Volume?

Is it posible for the slve media players to follow the volume control of the master? I do not want to assign an external control to the Master Output slider as this would then also control all the VSTs as well as the media files. I essentially want to have the external slider control ONLY the volumes of the media tracks (in a relative way). I just assumed by setting one as the master the slaves wold follow all things, but this is not the case.

Is the only way to actually assign the slider to all media players, even though slaved?


Also when I set the external slider, and then try to use it, the indicator “circles” on the media player gain bar disappear, and seem to jump all over the place… and if it is a gain control why does the view in the background rack still show a midi CC range (ie 0-127) ?? And to maintain realtivity which setting is needed to be used? Although all of them cause you to lose the gain slider indicator button, and then they all seemt o default back to exactly the same spot after the control is used. Is this option still buggy?

I tried ALL four options under the Controller Range box, and none actually work. All the media parts simply default to the same level the moment the slider is touched.

Hi Dennis,

Yes, slaving is for transport syncing only as I understand it. You could create a mixer rack and feed the output of each media player to it and use it to control the relative volume of all the media players.


Thanks Dave, yeah I could insert some sort of volume VST plugin and route the media players to that, and then control IT via an external slider, but I was sorta hoping to not do that. And it does not get past the “relative levels” issue either.