September with G.A.S

Tough times for our G.A.S.

  • Cherry Audio Blue3.
  • N.I. Komplete 15 with Kontakt 8.
  • Softube CS-80 (Model 77).
  • IK T-Racks 6.
  • Korg Collection 5.

What’s next?

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I already bought the first 3.

I think I have a problem…

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My bank has forced me into rehab. :face_with_thermometer:


LOL, as for me I went on a Voltage Modular binge last month. Goofy part is I don’t even play keys (but at least I can sequence). Fun rabbit hole to get lost in for the sound designer in me, but with all those add-ons it really is a money pit if you don’t watch out, lol.


It seems I am an alien

I am rather thinking to throw all DAWs & plugins in the garbage-bin, apart the few I can resell the license of, and put the money in the piggy bank to buy a hardware arranger… well… hoping that hardware arrangers don’t crash :cold_face:

You seem to be unlucky…

Yes, quite a bit
I am under a sort-of cyber-sorcery :rofl:


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Have you also used VCV Rack? If so, is there a winner?
I’d like to try modular world too, but I have some doubts.
One is a big doubt: software or hardware?
I miss getting my hands on knobs and patch cables like I did so many years ago with my little System-100M.

I tried whatever the free rack system is (can’t recall the name) but it was not stable for me so gave up quickly. I haven’t tried any of the others so can’t comment on them. But the good thing about software in general is that you can buy a huge pile of modules for the price of a single hardware module. Maybe not as fun, but much more productive. That said, there are some really great modules in the VM ecosystem. And most module makers that offer bundles also have presets of examples for those bundles and are usually pretty good, or at least something to build on quickly.

VM Core with eDrums is currently on sale for $49, and it has a ton of modules both mono and poly. Definitely worth it imo if you want to get into modular. It even has a full set of 808 modules, and you can still get some great sounds out of those imo. Plus it has a VST host for running your VSTs inside VM, which is pretty cool. And a sample player. Plus some of the third party modules I bought are just fantastic.

[edit] Another cool thing is you can use VM as a “normal” VST3 and feed it audio input and output whatever effects chains you build. For example in my case I bought the PSP modular bundle when it went on sale, and a good number of their VST3 products are ported to modules and included. So no need to buy them as VST3, since I can use the modules with VM as a VST3.

A lot of irons in the fire. I know the software is pretty cheap, while the hardware is definitely expensive. I am not looking for a big modular system with all kinds of modules. And I admit I’m more tempted by a small hardware system like the Behringer System 35/55. Of course this is not a logical choice, just a craving…


Thanks, damn GAS-tender!
I ended to buy the Cherry Audio Pro Solist
:upside_down_face: :grimacing:

Well, it sounds better than the Moog for my tastes, and now my paraphernalia is almost completed

I’ll don’t reveal to you what is still lacking, clearly :rofl:

A preset-based synth.
Your win-win win win. :wink:

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Actually, I asked for a refund a few days later
Synths are not for me

And I understand this forum is not for me as well, so I think I’ll be just a lurker

Maybe I’ll come back the day I’ll have a hardware Hammond in my rumpus, LOL

You bought the synth without using the 30-day free trial? That sounds odd to most of us, I guess.

Nothing to blame, just your personal taste.

My guess is that you are a Cantabile user. Then why not?

I didn’t get it. It’s not a forum about Hammond, and certainly not about the hardware beast.
The fact that some of us are in love with it has nothing to do with the forum.

Yes, but synth always give me the same sensations: cool first so I buy them, awful after a few days LOL

I just have to avoid any GAS-pumper like you Paolo
(and others in the Scaler forum) :sweat_smile:

About the rest, I meant that I am not a musician, nor a gig performer
Now, it seems to me that most of the Cantabile users are musicians and/or gig performers, so they have different needs

For example, musicians and/or gig performers seem needing very different (high or low sample-rates, I don’t understand a damn thing about sample-rates :upside_down_face:) and low latencies at the same time; this is why my post about Steinberg Asio was scoffed-out

About the Hammond, it was a joke because I’ll never buy it, but having it could make me a bit closer to a musician and/or a gig performer compared to the bunch of low-quality plugins I have and use poorly

Perhaps you could forget the Hammond, and buy a triangle. That way it would “make you a bit closer to a musician”, take less space, and no learning curve or practice! :wink:


I dunno, I know some people who cannot even play a triangle in time… :rofl:


You are right!
I am unable to play in time even a doorbell

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In fact I was thinking of a mate my guitarist was trying to teach to play guitar, and he also was going to be our light show man, which meant pressing buttons in time to music. He was absolutely hopeless at both - no sense of timing whatsoever, and also managed to plunge the stage into complete darkness a few times when he tried to do the lights. It was after he and I nearly came to blows over it that I decided I was going to trigger the lights off of the Cantabile backing tracks!


Claudio, this is not the place to put pictures. Please remove them and repost to Showcase section of the forum.

Anyway it seems like you need a Grand Piano, not a plugin. And a KN1000 whatever it is. :thinking:

Or a grand piano plugin. I have bought all the major pianos currently available, I have probably invested (or thrown away) more than 4000€ in piano libraries. In all humbly, I think I am skilled in this kind of instrument…
And at home I have the best “piano action” master keyboard, the Kawai VPC1. Not for gigs of course, 32kg is too much for my back.

Feel free to ask if you are interested in the grand piano libraries.