Send a different PC to a plugin for each Song or Rack state?

I tried out the Target binding idea and it worked the same as my Rack State PC config. The MG doesn’t change until the interface is open.

I will pose this question on their forum and see if they have any suggestion.

I am revisiting this problem hoping someone has some new ideas. I can use the method outlined above to trigger as PC change to Midi Guitar 2. This works perfectly if the GUI for MG2 is open, but the change doesn’t take place then the GUI is closed. Not the behavior I was looking for.

I was hoping a new MG version would be out by now. Maybe by the end of 2022 ??

Anyone have some success with triggering a PC change to MG2 with the GUI closed.

Hey Lorne, I’m still sending all MG2 midi out to sample players’ so I don’t have any ideas. I can’t recall, is there a reason you can’t put your patches outside MG2? MG3 is supposed to come out this year sometime.

FWIW, since this original post I’m using maybe 20 rack states, at various gate/gain/compression settings… different instruments seem to need different settings for decent tracking. I also discovered that the tuning won’t save at all, which sucks cuz I wanted to use it on a drop D song, but have to manually change, so that’s a no go at gigs.

I’m using it a lot more but the tracking is still tricky. Synths seem to track pretty good, samples or SFZ not so much. Doesn’t make sense to me but that’s what I’ve found. Good luck!

I don’t use the MG2 internal sounds much because of my limitation. I do send the midi out to other instruments linked in the Cantabile setup. Your rack setup must be working better than mine other than the tuning. I will look at that again in the post.


Edit: I am using your config, but something must still be missing. I wonder what.
I am only using the one Binding. Are you still using the second disabled Binding for each state? I am not sure why that could have any effect.

Actually I’ve abandoned the bindings, I’m using rack states, which saves gain, gate and compression/expansion. Everything else doesn’t save but that’s all I need.