Routing Diagram Improvements (was Fixing Cantabile's Biggest Gripe)

Great! Overall a major improvement! The switching from “warm” to “cold” colors for MIDI (and vice versa for audio) could take some time to get used to, but I think it’s nice to get a better consistency in the meaning of the different colors.


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For the record, the colors are part of the theme so you can actually customize them if you really wanted to.


they are all great additions Brad!

many thanks!


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This looks like a great solution and a lot more elegent than what I suggested. :smiley:
I don’t mind them being global settings at all but if a lot of people complain about song-specific positioning being lost, maybe you’ll have to implement an option for songs to save song-specific positions.
I’ll be happy to see this build ASAP.

@Brad One other thing that would be really useful - some sort of indication of when the condition for a conditional route is or isn’t met (this has often caught me out when trying to figure out why a MIDI message isn’t getting through).

This would apply to Table View also.

– Jimbo

While you’re looking at the ports layout, I’d just like to mention a very small improvement request, somewhat related.
When right-clicking a port to monitor it, it would be great to have that port shown at the top in bold font as the default pick, rather than hunting through the list of all ports that pops up.


Or don’t have a list. Just MIDI monitor the input that the mouse is over. I normally move the mouse over the input I want to monitor anyhow.

Actually I never did quite understand why the whole list shows when you right-click a specific port. I guess that menu is the same wherever you click in the Input panel.
How do you mean “move the mouse over the input I want to monitor” ? Is there a way to preview without clicking?

By habit, I move the mouse over the input and expect just that input to be monitored without an intermediate list. When I right-click, I get the list instead of just the individual input.

Ah ha! I get you now, thanks. I thought you’d found another approach that I hadn’t.
You’re having the same issue as me then. :handshake:

Are those green indicators just static or will they actually indicate activity by flashing, ie linked to the monitoring ones?

I’ve already done it. There’s now a per-song/rack switch that controls whether to use the shared global layout, or a per-song/rack layout and you can switch between the two whenever you like.

In the table view, this should already be evident by the two MIDI activity indicators. If the first is lighting up its receiving MIDI. If the second doesn’t light up, it’s been filtered on conditionally excluded.

I started looking into this yesterday. By way of explanation, these menus and their handlers are shared between the table and diagram views. In the table view there is no “port” object to right click on since ports are listed in drop downs - which is why the menus have to list them out individually. In the wiring diagram view you can right click on a port - so I can make some improvements here.

I think what I’m going to do is if you right click on a port, it’ll just show a “MIDI Monitor” command for that port. If you click in the background of the port area, it’ll do the old behaviour.

They’re static and equivalent to the green lit up MIDI filter icon in the table view and show there are MIDI filters present. I’m reluctant to put any activity indicators in the routing diagram for performance reasons since routing diagram is quite expensive to paint (ie: fast updates + slow redraw = slow performance).

Thanks or not for that: that will take out another few bucks to get back to this version! :smiley: Keep the good work!

I’ve made some improvements for this: watch video.


Looking Good!

I think what I’m going to do is if you right click on a port, it’ll just show a “MIDI Monitor” command for that port. If you click in the background of the port area, it’ll do the old behaviour.

That sounds perfect to me, thanks.

I’m reluctant to put any activity indicators in the routing diagram for performance reasons

Okay totally understood

Another thing I think would be useful is audio bypass, as in the Table View.

I’m thinking a small icon on the plugin or an entry in the right menu.
