Roland Cloud for gigs?


I’m thinking of treating myself to a Roland Cloud subscription. I seen some older threads on this, but was wondering what people’s experience is like today?

  1. Does it work well with Cantabile (I recall there was some challenges with windows management)?
  2. Do I need to be concerned about it wanting to (re)activate just as a gig starts? Is this still an issue?
  3. Is the experience of using the free stuff representative of the paid-tiers?
  4. Any good?


Hi John,

I use the Roland cloud live, a lot and love it for the sounds (it took me right back to being 16 and the first time I put my hands on a D-50!) The only one of the plugins that has given me any issues is the new Zenology but I think that Brad is on that (he’s having to write something to get round Roland’s dodgy coding…).

As far as the authorization problems, yes I have had issues with the dodgy noise it makes, but it makes me remember to check more often…



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Roland Cloud has been a bit too dodgy for my taste over the past weeks (“no connection to Roland Cloud”), plus I find most of their plugs pretty CPU-hungry.

At the moment, I’m not ready to use them in my live setup - I’m more confident in the Korg Legacy collection. Now, with the Triton, they also have a broader range of workstation type sounds, so I’m pretty happy with that offering - and it’s rock-solid!

Thanks Pierce/Torsten,

I’ve also had a play with it - the free zenology lite is broken with Cantabile, the whole Cantabile UI is locked-up once you used the zenology patch browser.

I also get warnings if I disconnect from the internet.

So it’s a no from me, for now at least.


I can’t say I’ve had issues when I’m not connected to the internet but YMMV…

I’m constantly getting failure to connect. I don’t trust Roland’s software as it stands right now.

+1 with @Torsten’s post. The Korg plugs are stellar and dependable. I can play multiple gigs with a couple of Korg plugs, without the need of anything else…well, maybe add a Hammond clone. :grin:

Thought I’d weigh in … no i’m not biased because it is my (purely coincidental) namesake …

I am a big fan of the Roland Cloud offering. I used to be against it because the subscription was too expensive, plus the frequent authorization headaches. But the new subscription is much more competitive. I like Zenology, and will love it if/when more fully editable patches become available. I have not had any issues with it in Cantabile, but note that I don’t use the High DPI settings because of occasional issues with other plugins.

I 'm also a big fan of the Korg, Arturia, u-he, and Spectrasonics products. (And yes, @Corky, selected Hammond clones!) I think they all have their place. My only problem is having enough time to fully explore what each offers in addition to stellar sounds.

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+1 Torsten! Same feeling