In my efforts to migrate as much of the guitar pedal board as possible to software, I just scored a stunning success thanks to this forum in replacing my Digitech FreqOut faux amp feedback with Blue Cat’s AcouFiend.
So, I’ll hit you guys up again and ask what to replace my EH Pitch Fork with? It’s similar to a Digitech Whammy4 but not sure if the Wham does polyphony harmonies that the Fork can do…Fork does have an expression port so it can do what Wham does…
I am using one of the whammies in TH-U and in Positive Grid Bias. As far as a single vst pedal, I am sure they are out there. I will see what I can come up with…I probably have one on my drive, just never needed it.
Amplitube has the “Wharmonator”, which is based on the DigiTech Whammy. I have Amplitube, but my gear is not setup at the minute. I will test it when I get everything back together, and let you know. Also, I will check the others I have too, because I am mostly sure they are polyphonic. Watched some videos, and apparently the Amplitube is polyphonic.
I’ve decided to just keep the PitchFork for the time being. Between its somewhat unique functionality and the fact my kid loves it thru a real amp (I don’t let him use my Cantabile setup…yet…) I can manage until something compelling in a VST comes up.