Rendre un Plug in inopérant sur la vue cablage / Make a Plug in inoperative on the wiring view

Tout est quasiment dans le titre : Je ne travaille qu’avec la vue câblage qui, pour moi, est la plus pratique. Quand je dispose de beaucoup de plug in dans une chanson, je n’ai pas trouvé comment rendre un des plug in inopérant sans être obligé de le supprimer. Du style, utiliser une combinaison de touche (par exemple Ctrl + clic gauche souris) et le plug in deviendrait inopérant (par exemple grisé). Le câblage, alors, ignorerait ce plug in et passerait au dessus.
Pour mes amis anglophones uen version google traduction en anglais :
Everything is almost in the title: I only work with the wiring view which, for me, is the most practical. When I have a lot of plug-ins in a song, I haven’t figured out how to make one of the plug-ins inoperative without having to delete it. Style, use a key combination (for example Ctrl + left mouse click) and the plug in would become inoperative (for example grayed out). The wiring, then, would ignore this plug in and go over it.

Hi reidid789,

Look for the table slot for the selected plug at the bottom of the view. Do the enable/ disable there


@dave_dore, @reidid789

Your digram is a bit different to my Cant3 and the symbol left of the green “Enable/Disable” button might not be the Audio Bypass button on your interface?

But for

I think @reidid789 would need to click the Audio Bypass button as well.
Not sure if this would work for midi or other inputs? Still just starting with all this.


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Hi JDude_AU,

The example I posted is for a rack, which have no audio bypass symbol. That appears on the plugins themselves like this example where the bypass is on the far left …

Sorry for any confusion :slight_smile:


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Hi dave_dore,
I just acquired Cantabile 3 Solo and therefore I discover … including things that may seem obvious.
I will especially use Bypass Audio, the symbol immediately to the left of the enable / disable button (which I do not see on your view).
Thank you so much for your response. I will study Cantabile deeply.
That said, what superb software!
Thanks again!

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Definitely! Fe didn’t read your last message at JDude_AU. You give the answer of Bypass Audio.
Merci Dave,

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