When I play at home in the software.
It would be great to have those fonctions Linked to a cc command like 2 pads or 2 buttons… is it possible already?
2)And in rehearsal, changing position remotely on an Androïd phone…that would be amazing!!!
And maybe the best deal would be a line quite large, not to miss positions with my big fingers…or maybe in the the webUi page, placing it in a central position ? I don’t know…
So both… and I know it’s on future plans…I’ m not patient at all. Lol…Sorry!
Not sure exactly what you mean by this, but the whole media player feature is due for a complete overhaul - which I’ll probably start on in the new year.
Thank you!
Hope to hear for news about it.
Really appreciate a fast Foward and fast reward cc control. So I could control the cursor in the media file by a simple pad or a button …