Recent Performance Issues

Are there best practices for the determining where performance issues are? Some type of tracing functionality that will help?

C4 has been pretty damn solid for me until recently. I don’t know what the other changes may have been, but recently I’ve been having issues with performance “glitching” with the same configuration, same latency, etc. It’s happening on two PC’s and different interfaces. This includes a new laptop that’s much more powerful and with twice as much memory (32GB) as the first one.

I did have similar issues a while back when I pre-loaded a large set, but recently it’s been hapenning even when I’m NOT preloading.

High performance settings on both machines.

I’ve already checked the set list verifier and no issues are showing up.

I’ve noticed it with the Roland Cloud plugins the most, but it’s happening with others as well (Arturia and Omnisphere). Yesterday it happened with plug ins that never gave me an issue before.

I’m suspecting that maybe a Windows update came down that messed things up, but I want to figure things out before I start messing up gigs next week.


Have you tried the Profiler?

I’ve seen all kinds of reports on Windows version 24H2 causing audio and other problems. In my case it outright bricks my EMU 1820m and my Brother printer and my HP VR headset… I’ve also read about poor audio performance for devices that still function.

So I rolled mine back to 23H2 to keep everything working, and did a registry hack to supposedly keep it on 23H2. I also have done disk images in case the hack doesn’t work and 24H2 self installs without my input again. If that happens, I’ll have to try to roll it back, or restore from the image and never allow these machines on the net again…

Thanks @Torsten . Working with the Profiler now. I knew there was one, but couldn’t remember what it was called or find it (kept looking in the Tools menu). :frowning:

It appears that the glitching is happening the first time I play a note with different plug in(s). Not all are affected, and it doesn’t appear to be different for samplers vs modelled plugs.

There are huge spikes when I load a song as well, but I kind of expect that as well.

Looking at the YouTube video and I’ll “report” back on what I find.

I’ve tracked down two issues that were causing the underlying problem.

  1. Somehow I had turned on Logging (from the Cantabile diagnostics option). I also made it worse by turning on verbose logging. Once I turned both off, my problems pretty much disappeared.
  2. For some reason there were issues with the Roland authorization (I know, I know, but it’s an 80’s band and their D50 is pretty darn good). What I thought was glitching was actually an unauthorized plugin behaving the way they want it to (glithcy distortion on the output).

On my second machine (the more powerful one), It turns out multiple plugs from multiple vendors needed to be reauthorized. That may have had something to do with Windows updates, but I can’t be sure and I really don’t want to roll back at this point if I don’t have to.

I’ll run with this for a while and see if anything else turns up.

AND (bonus) I understand the profiler now.

Case closed… thanks for the pointers and help.

I have had great success with the Korg collection (M1, Triton, Triton Extreme) for those 80s sounds - with far less hassle than with the Roland collection…

That’s definitely a regular issue - the larger “feature updates” typically change something substantial that throws some authorizations off - Cantabile is one of the applications that needs to be re-authorized; XLN Audio (Addictive Drums, Addictive Keys) and GSi (VB3-II) are others I am aware of. I also suspect Mercuriall gets thrown by Windows feature updates, but I’m not 100% sure.


I’m a bit extreme, on my gigpc I have Windows Update disabled.

But I wouldn’t recommend it if the PC is used for other tasks as well. On a “pure” gigpc it’s OK, imho.