Radial Key-Largo Latency/Performance?

Has anyone tried the Radial Key-Largo, and can tell me something about its performance compared to say a Scarlett 2-output?

Looking for direct experience if anyone has any.

Running Win10


Here’s my opinion. Other opinions may vary.

I have owned all 3 gen’s of the Focusrite Scarlett 2i2, and the Key Largo. I was happy with they Key Largo as a keyboard mixer, but unhappy with it in terms of latency compared to the Scarlett 2i2. (But I don’t have actual measurements. Just my observations trying different USB interfaces with C3.) I was never satisfied with the Windows driver for the Key Largo, and I was unable to set the buffer as low as I wanted – my goal was 256 but had to settle for considerably higher, > 400 samples if my memory serves.

For a while, my gigging setup was an i7 laptop, 16gb ram, Focusrite 2i2, Key Largo (as basically a high-end direct box with some routing flexibility). This worked very good.

But lately I have replaced the Key Largo with the Behringer XR18 digital mixer (but still using the Scarlett 2i2 as the USB interface), for only about $100 (US$) more.


I have been struggling with Keylargo Latency and went to their website to see if they had an updated driver, instead they are now saying use ASIO4ALL which I did and now I am happy.