Racks with unsaved changes

Tiny little feature request here. I find the little asterisks really useful for “unsaved changes” in the window title for unsaved song, and next to the up arrow inside racks. However when you’re at the song level there’s no visibility of racks with unsaved changes. It would be really useful to denote this at song level, maybe with an asterisk as part of the rack name?



:+1: Logged it.


@Neil_Durant Implemented in 3174:


Excellent! Thanks @brad!!

Does it work in the song list also?

As to song lists, at the very top of the screen it shows if there are changes needing saving, and it also warns you when you close the program.


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Thx Terry, where do you see this at the top?
@brad There should be a dot next to a song?

It is a little dot. Make a change to a song (like disabling a plugin) and it should appear.

It goes away after hitting CTRL-S


Thx, I’ve found it in the title bar of the window, rather small to see :slight_smile:
I’m not sure if it’s possible in the song list, probably Brad would have put it there then.

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Rather small indeed!

I think I’d like a Slightly Larger Dot

:black_circle: :slight_smile: (well, maybe that Emoji version is overkill!) :black_circle:

:black_circle: may be more like it (⚫)

Or even ⚉ ⚉


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I like that piggy nose :wink:
next to the song title ok?

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Logged it for review.

(btw: I’m logging all these smaller issues for the moment while I’m working on the Mac version. I’ll probably take a day or two next week and try to knock some of them off but right now hyper focused on making sense of OSX).

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No problem, we are so happy you are replying, thinking along, being helpful etc.
I have never seen such a good support.
You have all my respect and patience Brad!

I had troubles installing intone v2, i asked them, they asked me back a question and then the communication stopped.
I recently bought Synthmaster player, but had troubles installing. After many questions on email, no reply ever comes. So i kinda lost my money there. It was only 9 euro but still it doesn’t feel right.

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Thanks… Support can be overwhelming at times - especially when I take time out to focus on development (like I am during November). But I do try :slight_smile:

I should add - I’m super grateful to everyone on this forum who help others. It really helps take up the slack when I’m, well, slack.


Next build has three new theme settings for this:

"ModifiedSetListSuffix":" \u2022",
"ModifiedSongSuffix":" \u2022",
"ModifiedRackSuffix":" \u2022",

SetList and Song suffix both appear in the main window title bar
Rack suffix appears in the rack slot and rack eject button

You can put whatever you like in here.


"ModifiedSetListSuffix":" *",


"ModifiedSetListSuffix":" ***MODIFIED***",


"ModifiedSetListSuffix":" \u26AB",   // larger bullet

(Don’t forget to include a leading space - this is appended directly to the item name)


Works Perfect ! :slight_smile:
@brad So I guess it’s only in the title bar possible?
Isn’t it possible next to a song in the list? Would be very handy to see what songs are unsaved.

Hi @So_Godly

This is a good point. Normally the only song the can be in a modified state is the currently loaded one. The exception of course is when Set List Pre-loading is turned on and I’ve never been fully satisfied with the way it works… perhaps I should revisit that and perhaps a better approach is to prompt to save when closing (or turning off set list preloading). Let me think about this.

In the meantime though - yep, only the title bar.

Logged here

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