Rack - Keep Volume on Status Change

Hi everyone, I need help.
I have a song with some racks inside. The song has 2 states.
I created some bindings to control the volume of each rack via a controller.
I am in state 1 and change the volume of a rack.
When I move to state 2 the rack volume changes and returns to 0 (it does not maintain the change).
This is obvious, because at the change of state the saved values are set.
Is it possible to make sure that at the change of state the volumes do not change?
Thank you all

Yes - uncheck the box for Rack Gain in the “State Behaviors” box, then the rack gain will not be reset at state changes (I assume your binding controls Rack Gain, correct?)



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Yessssssss… thanks !!! It works wonderfully !!!
Thanks thanks thanks!!