Question regarding Exporting settings from plug-in in Background Rack

You can put a plug-in in a standard Rack, and under State Behavior export parameters to be saved at the Song level.

Then at the Song level, you indicate you want to pickup the Exported parameters. (i.e. save the parameters with the Song/Song State.)

No worries for this mechanism.

But what about plug-ins you put in the Background Rack? Can those parameters be Exported to the Song? You can check “Export to Song” just as before.

“_Mixer” is an embedded Rack containing Blue Cat Remote in my Background Rack.
This is _Mixer in the BG Rack with “Exported State” check in the BG Rack (State)

This is the Song Level, with my regular Racks. Is it possible to pickup what was Exported into the BG rack at the Song Level? Or only the State in the BG rack?

Hey Richard, when I tried this a few months back the Exported Behaviors of the plugin parameters in an embedded rack in the BG rack are not saved per Song. At least that’s my experience on it. I will check again …



Thanks, I’m pretty sure this is the case. It’s not a big deal because I already have “Master Racks” in every song. More that I was fiddling and wonder if I could make it work. Typical engineer, make it too complicated and then simplify by making it more complicated!

“One Rack to rule them all, and in the Background Bind them.”


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