One more question on Cantabile 3. In version 2, I could use the loop back feature to send a “transport pause” cc control message from within the midi song by assigning it to a trigger note. I’m trying to figure out how to do that in version 3.
Can I do something similar with “triggers”? I see “transport pause” within the options there but It appears that they are designed more for external instruments.
Help would be appreciated as I use this feature for church hymn performances frequently.
To do this in C3 I would do this
create a new rack any name and open the rack for editing by double clicking on name
create input route for midi " MIDI rack in " to a MIDI rack out creating a pass through
click bindings tab main pane and create binding for rack you created to bind with the (Main) transport control
save the rack and close it then create and load media player with midi file(I didn’t load one in my example)
make a route from the media player to the rack you made and make sure the main transport is set to the media player you want to control
that should do it…
Cool! I will give this a try today and let you know how it works,
Thanks again Dave!
Hi Dave, thanks for the explanation. Have got it working to play/stop fine. But do you know of any way to keep a media player active during switching between songs? Is it only racks that will bridge songs and if so can you use the same principal but within a rack?
Hi Chris,
Yes media players bridge songs when in racks but not stand alone at song level. So put the media player in a rack and include that same rack in next song voila!
Hi Dave, yes I can create a rack with a media player and if I put that rack in to the next song it continues to play when switching. What I can’t work out using your above method is how to set a NOTE to start it playing. I can only get it to work when the media player is directly in the song and not a rack. Any ideas.
Thanks a lot for any help
Hi Chris,
This is a different scenario but it can still be done with a binding, to do this
1- create a common rack with a media player in it
2- Create bindings (this binding differs from previous example) to the keyboard notes for transport inside the rack (the media player will appear as a target in the target list when it is created)
3- save same song with a different name, now you have 2 songs for set list to experiment. This method worked for me allowing transport control across songs using racks with installed media players, let me know how it goes
Dave, brilliant. Thanks a lot. Thought I’d tried all the combinations. Obviously not! Really flexible.