PSA: IK Multimedia B-3X Sale

Beats Arturia…eh?

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Hey - those two Arturia Mega-Moog Organ patches through the UVI Rotary plugin served me well enough for a few years, being the non-discerning type that I USED to be!

Now I will be spoiled entirely and will join the ranks of organ snubbery advocates and rabbit-hole divers and become fully engaged into the minutiae of Organ Potentialities! (Among other things.)


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It reminds me when I switched from a Honda Motorcycle to a Harley. It was like “yeah baby!” I was on the Cadillac model. Much like the B-3X from Vintage Organs.

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Hmm, being on a Ducati on not a Harley I might be gone wrong already … but, back to business. I am utterly confused about what I need from this. I already have the GSi VB3 II, and it works well for me, not playing that much Hammond, and never played the real thing. Then now I am in doubt, should I buy both the B-3X and both Leslie packs, or is it mainly the Leslie that is the improvement to the VB3? And if I only need the Leslie, do I need both T-RackS and AmpliTube, or will one be enough - and if so, which one? Be aware that I do not have a lot of forgotten jam points :-). Or should I just consider continuing on the VB3 and save the money for something else?

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Hi Torsten

B-3X is an IK Product, and includes the IK Leslie. If you want to really boost your VB3 II, a T-Racks version of IK Leslie would do the job. No need for all the versions to get what you want. VB3 II is very capable of producing most sounds on it’s own. Here is what I suggest: Pick up my new VB3 II rack on the organ thread tomorrow, and try the presets. You will be surprised. I have the T-Racks Leslie on a separate part of the rack, but you have to posses the IK first. I could send you an audio example with IK added, but try the presets 1st.
In Fact…I will send you an audio of the VB3 II without IK, and with IK. Give me a few…

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Here is the VB3 II with IK.

Without IK:

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Thanks, @Corky, that was really great and helpful. Yes, there is a difference, but not enough to justify the expense and added complexity in the setup - if I want my organ “feeling” to be better first thing is to practice more, I can not blame the equipment :-). I already use the old presets you posted previously, but will definitely add any new presets to the arsenal of organ sounds!

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Just so you have some numbers, I got the B-3X with the “Leslie Collection” (for outboard use, as the B-3X has the Leslie already) for $147 at the crossgrade price (which apparently you qualify for if you ever bought ANYTHING from IK), and applied $45 of Jam points, bringing the price to $102 for the entire package. I feel like I robbed a candy store!!!



Unfortunately (for me) I’m not eligible in any way, neither crossgrade nor Jam points - so I’ll stick with my previous conclusion, tools will only take me some of the way, the rest is hard work. Bummer.

Heh! Well, just don’t let me catch you doing scales! :grinning:

He he, the odd Hanon piece for piano could happen. For organ I revisit Joe Glossops courses on MusicGurus.

Does the intro on Make Me Smile count as practicing scales :slight_smile:

I’ve always tried to play the piano part on the Blood Sweat & Tears “Lucretia MacEvil”, after the song stops, and the piano brings it back in. Never really mastered it tho. My fingers walk all over each other. Much more fun than a scale. :woozy_face:


Or the Bach Inventions - both the originals and the rip-offs:

I had to make the Beatles simpler to be able to play it live - but realised that George Martin couldn’t play it either, so I think that it is acceptable, at least no-one can tell in a live situation anyway.

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