Having recently moved from Windows to Mac, I was sad to see Cantabile was Windows only!
I searched around, and found a few updates as far back as 2016—so I know this has been in the works for at least a couple of years.
Are there any updates on the progress of the Mac version, please? I don’t expect a timeline, but as a starter for ten, is there a possibility of seeing this before 2019?
Not as close as I’d like it to be but I have been at it again for the last couple of weeks.
GuiKit was very close to working 100% on both platforms and then I went and did all that high-resolution multi-monitor work for 35xx and I’ve got a bunch of catch up work to do on mac edition again.
Because of the quicksand that Windows has become I moved to my macs. (despite being a Microsoft MVP)
I transferred my Cubase, FL studio and Reaper et al licenses over (quite painless really).
I can use my old mid 1011 and 2012 iMac and Mac Minis with HighSierra and everything runs beautifully. Even Diva.
I have Xcode and Juce so I can tweak my open source stuff. Especially Dexed and my own VST / AU host.
So far I’ve never had a crash except with Audjoo helix.
After years of hating the bodgy science projects called Unix / Linux I finally feel at home.
Cantabile for mac? I’d be on that like a fly on a sheep carcass.
Me, too. I really liked Cantabile when I was a Windows User-but very, very unhappy with the hot mess Windows 10 still is and a few years ago, became a Mac Convert. I honestly and sincerely hope Cantabile does come through with a MacOS version-at least a beta version of it soon (I’d be willing to try it out-have a MacBook Pro, mid-2009, running OSX 10.11.6 with a 1TB HDD and 4GB RAM-soon to be upgraded to 8GB). Do you have any idea when it will be released?
Mac edition is still high on my priority list but was set aside while I implemented the routing diagrams. As soon as that’s stable (it’s close) I haven’t decided whether to return to the mac edition or VST 3 support (which I’m starting to get more and more queries about).
My view, despite being a PC user for my music (Mac is my main home computer, and we won’t get into the which is better wars! ) , would be to get the Mac version out there to get that major update done and dusted, and to open up the possibility of a Mac User base strengthening the overall Cantabile user base.
VST3 support then would be cool, but currently all the VSTi that I use have VST2 versions, how long that remains true now that VST2 is deprecated I don’t know, but I guess OK for a while.
PS: Certainly don’t want to see VST2 being dropped, I have a few older legacy plugins, no longer being developed, working via JBRIDGE that I do not want to be without for as long as they will run!
+1 here for “would rather use Mac hardware because the scrap Macs I have from my shop are better than the scrap PCs I have from my shop.” I don’t know how big that market is, but…
I agree, however that’s a much bigger job than the VST 3 support which is kinda nearly done. Given that Steinberg has officially dropped VST 2, I suspect more and more plugin devs will also drop support for it. That means over time VST 3 support is going to be more and more important.
Happy new year!
A good friend with an illustrious track record just called me about Cantabile, which I was telling him about some 2 years ago. I had told him OSX support was on the way but it looks like things have stalled.
He has upcoming gigs.
is it too far off for a realistic ETA?