Progress Update on the Mac Version of Cantabile?

Hey guys,

Having recently moved from Windows to Mac, I was sad to see Cantabile was Windows only! :cry:

I searched around, and found a few updates as far back as 2016—so I know this has been in the works for at least a couple of years.

Are there any updates on the progress of the Mac version, please? I don’t expect a timeline, but as a starter for ten, is there a possibility of seeing this before 2019?

Look forward to hearing from ya’ll.


@brad has put a lot of work into this. It would definitely be interesting to know how close it is to release!


Not as close as I’d like it to be but I have been at it again for the last couple of weeks.

GuiKit was very close to working 100% on both platforms and then I went and did all that high-resolution multi-monitor work for 35xx and I’ve got a bunch of catch up work to do on mac edition again.


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Because of the quicksand that Windows has become I moved to my macs. (despite being a Microsoft MVP)
I transferred my Cubase, FL studio and Reaper et al licenses over (quite painless really).
I can use my old mid 1011 and 2012 iMac and Mac Minis with HighSierra and everything runs beautifully. Even Diva.
I have Xcode and Juce so I can tweak my open source stuff. Especially Dexed and my own VST / AU host.
So far I’ve never had a crash except with Audjoo helix.
After years of hating the bodgy science projects called Unix / Linux I finally feel at home.
Cantabile for mac? I’d be on that like a fly on a sheep carcass.

Update: I’ve spent the best part of the last month working on this (hence the lack of builds recently) but it’s a big job and still a ways to go.

So next Tuesday then?
No pressure

Which Tuesday, though. :grin:

Me, too. I really liked Cantabile when I was a Windows User-but very, very unhappy with the hot mess Windows 10 still is and a few years ago, became a Mac Convert. I honestly and sincerely hope Cantabile does come through with a MacOS version-at least a beta version of it soon (I’d be willing to try it out-have a MacBook Pro, mid-2009, running OSX 10.11.6 with a 1TB HDD and 4GB RAM-soon to be upgraded to 8GB). Do you have any idea when it will be released?

Now now, there - this is a family show.

You don’t call my Windows a ‘hot mess’ and I won’t call you Mac addicts ‘Macochists’. :slight_smile:



10.11 on 2009 might be a little old for support.

Mac edition is still high on my priority list but was set aside while I implemented the routing diagrams. As soon as that’s stable (it’s close) I haven’t decided whether to return to the mac edition or VST 3 support (which I’m starting to get more and more queries about).



Wellllll (and this will come across as super selfish lol)—but at least windows users can use the desktop app. The VST3 version would be a bonus.

Mac users, however, have no options. Nada. No option to use your schhweeet software (currently). :sob:

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My view, despite being a PC user for my music (Mac is my main home computer, and we won’t get into the which is better wars! :wink: ) , would be to get the Mac version out there to get that major update done and dusted, and to open up the possibility of a Mac User base strengthening the overall Cantabile user base.

VST3 support then would be cool, but currently all the VSTi that I use have VST2 versions, how long that remains true now that VST2 is deprecated I don’t know, but I guess OK for a while.

PS: Certainly don’t want to see VST2 being dropped, I have a few older legacy plugins, no longer being developed, working via JBRIDGE that I do not want to be without for as long as they will run!

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+1 here for “would rather use Mac hardware because the scrap Macs I have from my shop are better than the scrap PCs I have from my shop.” I don’t know how big that market is, but…

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I agree, however that’s a much bigger job than the VST 3 support which is kinda nearly done. Given that Steinberg has officially dropped VST 2, I suspect more and more plugin devs will also drop support for it. That means over time VST 3 support is going to be more and more important.

That’s not happening anytime soon.


Hoping you decided to go with the mac edition in the end! :sunglasses:

I’m still working on it, but it’s not going well atm… I’ll get there one day.

Happy new year!
A good friend with an illustrious track record just called me about Cantabile, which I was telling him about some 2 years ago. I had told him OSX support was on the way but it looks like things have stalled.
He has upcoming gigs.
is it too far off for a realistic ETA?

Don’t hold your breath on this.
