Quite excited to see the rear cover of the latest PROG mag and an advert for a certain band called IQ …
And had a quick listen to the featured track “A Missile” on the cover CD. Sounds really good, Neil, and you can probably guess that I have already hit the pre-order button.
Thanks for your kind words!! Glad you hit the button, good decision!
Hammond on that track primarily comes from VB3 v1, some of which I passed through the Amplitube amp/rotary cabinet. I used VB3 v2 in a few places elsewhere on the album, but I still tend to prefer v1 within a dense mix (which much of this album is). V2 sounds great on its own, or in a more sparse mix.
Other synths used on that track:
Virtual: Omnisphere, Ravenscroft piano, XPand2!
Real: Prophet 6, Mellotron M400.
As IQ tracks go, it’s pretty simple and minimal, sound-wise!
I’m listening to it again this morning with the volume up whilst the house is empty. Sounds even better with a bit of welly, and I look forward to the new album landing on my door mat when it is issued.
Hard to believe it is five years since Road of Bones! You guys are giving Peter Gabriel a run for his money for release frequency! But of course I’d sooner wait a bit longer for a cracking album as opposed to a rushed mediocre one.