Pre-load setlist issue

I’ve a set-list that was set as pre-load.

Now I want to disable this pre-load BEFORE the pre-load completes (since it cause crashing the computer).
It seems impossible to change it, because after aborting the pre-load, the pre-load option is disabled but if I close Cantabile and open it again, the pre-load starts again…
Is there a way to break this loop?

Thank you.

You can open the setlist file with a text editor and change the line that says

"Preload": true,

Simply thange the “true” to “false”.




Thanks @Torsten although… This must be achieved easier without need of an editor…

Just trying to help…


Hi Mistheria,

There is a cancel button on the set list list load dialog box that pops up while the load is occurring. If you press it during a preload it will cancel it. I press it more than once to make sure it gets recognized by C3. I didn’t think of editing the set-list file itself but am glad to know about it, Thanks @Torsten for that tip!


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