Pre-Load Setlist --> Audio Port (missing)

Hey there,

I am using Cantabile 3.0 Build 3279.

Last week, I tried the pre-load setlist feature live for the first time (not sure, if I used it before…).
I started the software with auto loading the setlist for that gig, I ticked the checkbox for pre-loading the setlist…
… and suddenly had no audio signal for line check. (some crackles and then no sound at all)

I checked every single cable, changed the DI box, checked the audio ports in cantabile and saw: (missing). I could not change it to my audio interface. Therefore, I rebooted the software (not saved changes to setlist) and had sound again.

Unfortunately, this took several minutes and we had to cancel 2 songs in a 8 song set…

Yesterday, I tried pre-load setlist feature for rehearsal and encountered the same problem.
It took a while to conclude: this is a problem of pre-load setlist.

Did anyone encounter that behaviour as well? What can I do to overcome this problem?


Hi @SebSch

I’m not aware of this issue so not sure off hand what might be causing this.

Could I get you to create a debug log and email it to me:

  1. Start Cantabile
  2. From the Tools menu, choose Open Settings Folder
  3. Reproduce the problem
  4. Close Cantabile (it’s not clear from your description if Cantabile is still responsive after enabling preload. If not let me know and I might need to provide some other instructions).

From the folder in step 2, email me the files log.txt, log-previous.txt and settings.json and I’ll check it out.
