Possible Binding Bug

Hi @Brad,

Cantabile Solo 4196.

There appears to be a small binding bug.

For a plug-in that is in a rack, if I right click on the input send A/B control, I get the create binding, but when I click that nothing happens. I can create the binding manually. This all works OK for a plug-in at the song level.

Thanks John

Hi @john

I just tested this here in the latest build and it seems to be working. Can you send a screen shot or video showing the exact issue in case I’m misunderstanding.


Hi @brad

Update to Cantabile Solo 4203
Here is a screen shot.

If I then click on Create Binding, nothing happens. It seems to work fine everyplace except Input Ports in a rack.

Not exactly a show stopper.

Thanks John


perhaps a clearer example.
